What Is Browse Abandonment? How To Reduce It With Chatbot

January 4, 2022 | Posted by: Naveen M

Your eCommerce site has good traffic but low sales?

Your customers check out your site pages and categories but exit without taking any action?

Do your customers go through your products yet leave the site without adding them to the cart?

Then, you are encountering a situation known as “browse abandonment.”

Nearly 80% of eCommerce sites face the browse abandonment situation today.

In this blog, we will share with you reasons for browse abandonment, why customers disengage quickly, and teach you how to use conversational chatbots to pro-actively assist your customers while they are browsing and influence them to add items to the cart.

Let’s get started.

Why Browse Abandonment Situation Exist?

Browse abandonment – as the term suggests, it is a scenario where your visitors browse your site for a few minutes and leave without adding any items to the cart.

Let’s look at why it happens.

Today, the pandemic made more on more retail companies to build online stores. The existing eCommerce companies are working towards modernizing the shopping experience to cut through the noise.

Your target customers are left with numerous options to choose from. Furthermore, they are influenced by several other factors like offers, reviews/ratings, social media influencers, and loyalty programs from big brands.

Hence, converting a new visitor into a paying customer becomes a humongous task for the companies.

Typically, an eCommerce buyer journey is shaped more or less in this way:

  • Your customer has a need/problem/wish and they come to your website
  • Upon finding the suitable product, they would add that item to the cart
  • They will finish the checkout process and get the products delivered


However, when you look at the statistics, out of 100 visitors, only 3 end up finishing the purchase. A significant number of visitors exit the site without adding items to the cart.


Hence, in reality, 43.8% of customers visit product or category pages and exit the site without taking any action that paves way for the situation known as browse abandonment.


Top Reasons For Browse Abandonment

Customers who are in the early stages of the buying process contribute mostly to the browse abandonment situation.

They are either not ready, undecided, window shopping, or researching your products to understand if it solves the problems.

Typically there are five types of undecided buyers –

1. Skeptic – Expresses some level of interest in your products but doubt a lot.

2. Busy bee – Likes your product but they don’t want to purchase immediately.

3. Comparison shopper – Keeps evaluating your product with direct and indirect competitors

4. Cheapstake – Expects to buy the product for a lower price or ask for more offers or discounts.

5. Loyalist – Very loyal to a particular brand or company and do not wish to try others.

To learn more about undecided buyers and how to convert them tactfully, read this blog.

Some of the important reasons for browse abandonment are:

1. Static website that is heavy with images, content, and links

2. Non-interactive website experience

3. Lack of personalization

4. Difficulty in finding the suitable products

5. Too many steps/clicks are involved in finding the right products

6. Lack of enough product knowledge

7. Not answering customers questions, objections, fears, and barriers instantly

8. Lack of compelling offers or discounts

9. Not demonstrating value

10. Lack of trust or not building strong digital relationships

There could also be some technical reasons for browse abandonment that include slow loading pages, poor UI, low-quality product images, not-so engaging content, website errors, etc.

Here, we will look at how to deliver amazing browsing experiences for your customers and reduce the browse abandonment rate.

Why Should You Use Chatbots For Reducing Browse Abandonment

Delivering an engaging experience is paramount for overcoming browse abandonment. To do it, you need to make the journey smooth and tailor-made for your customers.

When a customer enters your website, you need to understand their intent.

  • Are they seriously shopping?
  • Browsing idly?
  • Comparing your products with others?
  • Looking for detailed product information?
  • Hunting for offers?
  • Trying to see how credible you are?
  • Looking for customer reviews and ratings?
  • Expecting to see the human side of your business? Etc.

Right now you have some analytics tools from Google, heatmaps, etc., to understand the intent. However,

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

The most effective way to understand the buyer intent is by making conversations with them – similar to what retail sales rep does

Conversational chatbots are one of the easy-to-use and cost-effective tools to make real-time conversations with your website visitors.

  • You can make real-time, human-like conversations with visitors 24/7
  • Ask questions and learn their shopping intent
  • Show personalized product recommendations
  • Answer common product questions
  • Show the relevant offers
  • Share personalized deals or coupons
  • Highlight the product value to the skeptic, comparison shoppers, and loyalists
  • Send FOMO offers to busy bees and cheap stakes
  • Share positive customer reviews and ratings
  • Connect with live support agents for customers’ serious questions or concerns and build trustworthy relationships

How To Reduce Browse Abandonment With Conversational Chatbot

Here are a few chat conversation examples that will help to understand how to reduce browse abandonment with chatbots.

Example 1: When customers visit your website, you can engage with them instantly with welcome messages and ask what they are looking for.


Example 2: While customers are trying to find the products, you can make them follow a conversational path and recommend personalized products.


Example 3: Learn which location/region your customers belong to, along with their previous purchases and website behaviors, and send customized deals or offers.


Example 4: Increase the average order value through upsells and cross-sells. Explain the advantages and benefits of purchasing add-ons, accessories, or bulk products.


Example 5: Identify where your website traffic is from – organic search, Facebook, paid channels, or social media channels, and share content and deals accordingly.


To Sum Up,

Today customers expect a faster and interactive experience from the eCommerce sites. They want to find what they are looking for in easy steps and be treated with care and empathy.

To deliver it, you need scalable and cost-effective tools like conversational chatbots.

Using chatbots, you can increase customer engagement by 60-70% and reduce the browse abandonment rate significantly.

The advanced personalization and interactive capabilities of the ConversionBox conversational chatbot can help create a tailored browsing experience for your online shoppers and convert them faster.

Schedule a demo with us and check out the chatbot’s capabilities.

Related article: To reduce browse abandonment which is better? Browse abandonment emails or conversational chatbots? – Find out here.

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