RoundView vs Freshdesk – Which is best suited for E-commerce?

November 1, 2022 | Posted by: Naveen M

Customer service has evolved into an important factor in deciding whether or not to do business with a company. Nearly 90% of Americans consider customer service to be crucial when making purchases.

The speed and care with which companies resolve customer issues distinguish between good and bad customer service.

If you run an e-commerce business and have a team to respond to customer questions, you should invest in customer support software that helps you connect with your customers better and empowers your team to resolve the tickets as quickly as possible.

In this blog, we will compare ConversionBox and Freshdesk – the two competent customer support tools available in the market today.

Our goal is to determine which one is best suited to the e-commerce business.

Here is a quick comparison between ConversionBox and Freshdesk:

(For reference, we compared the top plans offered by both companies)

Unlimited users



Support channels
Email, chat, FB, IG


Email, chat, FB, IG


E-commerce specific actions



Engagement triggers



AI prioritization



Combined chat history



Customer shopping history






Knowledge base



Built-in integration for e-commerce stores






WhatsApp support
In development









$99 per month (Unlimited users / unlimited conversations)


$99 per month (One agent / unlimited conversation)

? A quick comparison of ConversionBox and Freshdesk shows that ConversionBox has the better price-to-feature ratio.

Let’s focus on the details now.

Comparison criteria

Our comparison criteria include features, pricing, adoption, and scalability. Importantly, the tool should be tailored to the e-commerce industry.

? Because the use scenarios are so different, e-commerce companies require a customized customer support tool.

Order tracking, returns and exchange management, coupon issues, payment-related questions, product FAQs, and so on are some of the common e-commerce customer support scenarios.

As a result, the customer support tool should include built-in templates for all of the aforementioned use cases, as well as be customizable and simple to configure.

Features – One of the most important comparison criteria is features. We will try to understand the tool that offers the most features to improve customer support. It is a plus to have features that aid in sales conversions.

Users and conversations – Few customer support tools limit the number of users or conversations. This will degrade the agent experience. We try to figure out which is better.

Pricing model – Few customer support tools offer a free plan, while others have a lower base price and others have a higher price range. We’ll see who provides the best value and also investigate the hidden costs.

Onboarding support – Creating useful workflows that assist customers in resolving issues is one of the most difficult aspects of customer support tools. The tool should provide a dedicated onboarding team to help with workflow creation.

Scalability – With changing customer needs, the tool should be adaptable, scalable, easily integrated with newer technologies, and capable of growing alongside the company.

ConversionBox vs Freshdesk


What is pitch?

  • Automate answers for customers’ repeated questions.
  • Improve ticket resolution time.
  • Convert your customer support into a profit center.

Key differentiation factor

  • Built exclusively for e-commerce.
  • Automation and self-service support for common support scenarios.
  • Intelligent triggers in product-detail-pages (PDPs) and checkout pages to improve conversion rates.

Key differentiation factor

What’s the pitch?

  • Connect with customers on the channels they love.
  • Real-time updates to customers through conversational bots.
  • Allow agents to quickly resolve tickets using automation.

Key differentiation factor

  • Free plan.
  • Cloud-based system offers better scalability.
  • Effortless omnichannel ticket management system.

Why ConversionBox is best suited for E-commerce?

Reason 1: Designed to meet e-commerce requirements

Choosing a random customer support tool can be counterproductive if you run an ecommerce store. You require a tool that is tailored to the needs of ecommerce businesses. ConversionBox is designed for ecommerce and integrates tightly with Shopify, Magento, and other leading e-commerce platforms. It enables you to edit, cancel, or return any order without leaving the ConversionBox dashboard. However, Freshdesk was not designed with e-commerce in mind. It integrates with Shopify via third-party integration and adds extra actions for your agents to resolve tickets.

E-commerce specialty: ConversionBox Freshdesk

Reason 2: Combined multichannel tickets

Typically, you receive customer requests through various channels such as phone, email, live chat, social media, etc. Occasionally, the same customer may communicate with you through various support channels. Freshdesk creates separate tickets for each customer query, regardless of how many times they message. Therefore, your support staff has to determine whether a question has already been resolved or not and the process is tedious. On the other hand, combined customer history is a strong point of ConversionBox. It consolidates a customer’s chat messages from all support channels into a single one. As a result, instead of frantically searching for lost threads when taking over a conversation, agents can view the entire history across all channels and make the conversation accordingly.

Combined ticket query: ConversionBox Freshdesk

Reason 3: Automated first-contact response

When customers contact your support center, the initial response must be timely and satisfactory. However, this is not always possible. If your staff is overloaded, customers may not receive a prompt response. With ConversionBox, you can design workflows for frequent queries and provide the best possible response. The rules can be set to respond to questions about order tracking, refund policies, shipment information, pricing and discounts, and so on. Freshdesk provides rule-based responses, but the level of customization falls far short of ConversionBox. While it is possible to create query responses based on the support channel from which it is received, it is not yet possible to customize the response with individual variables.

Automated First Contact Response: ConversionBox Freshdesk

Reason 4: Conversion-focused Triggers

ConversionBox is the first-of-a-kind customer support tool that offers intelligent triggers on the product-detail-pages (PDPs) and checkout pages to connect high-intent customers with agents. The AI-powered triggers ask questions such as whether customers want to connect with agents for additional support, or if they need more assistance during checkout, and so on. This allows your high-intent customers to communicate with agents in real-time and receive quick responses. These intelligent triggers improve customer engagement and conversion rates. Freshdesk, on the other hand, does not have such a feature.

Automated First Contact Response: ConversionBox Freshdesk

Reason 5: Pricing and scalability

The customer support tool’s price should be appropriate for your budget and business needs. If you invest in an overpriced tool, it will reduce your ROI. ConversionBox is priced according to the number of features you require. ConversionBox has the advantage of allowing you to have an unlimited number of users on all plans. So, if you sell fewer tickets per month, per-ticket pricing will be more effective. Freshdesk charges by the agent. While the free plan is ideal for getting started, the paid plans offer automation and a plethora of features and may become more expensive in the long run.

Pricing and scalability: ConversionBox Freshdesk


When to consider Freshdesk?

  • Freshdesk is a good choice if you have a small support team.
  • If you don’t need the automation features, you can stick with the free version and use the tool with no strings attached.
  • Freshdesk has a great design and lots of contemporary features, but its e-commerce integration is inferior to ConversionBox.

When to consider ConversionBox?

  • ConversionBox is the ideal choice for e-commerce since it comes with several automation features built-in.
  • ConversionBox is comparatively cheaper in the long run since it offers unlimited seats.
  • The conversion-specific triggers offer great value and convert your customer support into a profit center.

Customers nowadays expect faster responses to their problems, and only technology can help you with that.

If every ticket has to be handled by a support staff member or an agent, they will be overburdened. You will also have to spend a lot of money on hiring and managing resources.

Customer support software makes resolving customer tickets so much easier. Tools like ConversionBox go even further in allowing customers to resolve issues on their own through automation and self-service.

Additionally, you will receive a few conversion-focused features that will allow you to connect with high-intent customers on your website in order to persuade and convert them faster.

Make the smart choice and switch to ConversionBox right away.

From migration to implementation and beyond, we’ll be there for you every step of the way.

If you want to learn more, schedule a free demo with us.



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