7 Essential Tips You Need to Know To Convert Online Leads Into Paying Customers

June 22, 2021 | Posted by: Sundar

All leads do not convert into paying customers, but you can achieve the desired results through additional care. Sadly, many startups and small businesses that want to grab their share of the online market still believe that the paying customers will pour in by building a website. However, in the present time, it is way too complicated than that. You’ll have to take them through the conversion funnel and nurture them for a while before the leads convert.

As an agency that focuses on helping startups, small businesses, and enterprises grow, the most common request we get is to help them convert their leads into sales. If you are wondering how to convert leads into sales, you should understand the psychology of how to convert leads into sales. You can also try going through our insightful page on how to convert leads into sales.

The straightforward truth that we need to remember is that online leads do not automatically convert into sales. According to a survey completed recently,

  • Only 20% of leads are only potential buyers from you.
  • 70% of leads don’t convert if they aren’t appropriately nurtured.
  • One-third of the leads aren’t qualified, meaning approximately 75% aren’t your ideal customer.

Don’t panic looking at the numbers! If you have a good understanding of the lead generation sites, lead generation tools, the perfect marksmanship to identify website visitors, and how to track website visitors. You could effortlessly get over the challenges. Make use of the below stated seven essential tips; it will bolster your efforts and help you achieve the target:

Grab the attention:

If your offers are lucrative, it is a great way to grab the attention and translate it into a lead. Everyone wants to enjoy a special offer and take the scheme that is beneficial for them. A small perk or a monetary benefit for introducing someone new will do the magic. In simple, keep the leads engaged all the time so that you don’t lose them in the conversion funnel.

Help your leads before you convert them into paying customers:

The best marketing advice to convert your online leads into paying customers is to help them through the process by providing answers to their problems through content. A well-informed customer decides without any hesitancy. Therefore, give the right information that would trigger them to buy your products and services.

Close the sale

Whatever your marketing approach – remember you should have a strong call-to-action to close the sale. Many traffic-driving websites fail to ask for the sale and end up missing big. They became a lead because of their interest in your product or service; ask them for sale.

Highlight the potential ROI quotient

Who wouldn’t be thrilled to use a product or service that has the potential to increase their ROI? Talk about the ROI quotient in length to tell them that you have a solution, and that will convert the online lead into a paying customer.

Exercise a sales qualification process

Besides the other techniques, there needs to be a sales qualification process that authorizes the leads to move through the sales funnel. Information Qualified Leads (IQL), Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) are three types of leads. Defining the qualification metrics differ from business to business. But, it paves the way for leads to translate to sales.

Maintain a compelling FAQ section

As the title suggests, maintain a FAQ page on the website to convert your leads into sales. Many do not convert because their questions go unanswered. The best way to get this done is to pull out the pain points and frequently asked questions from the calling agents and the sales executives.

Don’t forget to follow up

A delayed response never helps win the lead’s trust. When there is an inquiry on your product or service, it is essential to bouncing back with the answers. Many businesses fail because they don’t have a fair process that is well-coordinated to win the leads into sales.

According to the lead response survey conducted by the Harvard Business Review, here are some interesting facts that should impress everyone:

  • It takes 40 hours for the first response from B2B companies
  • Approximately 37% of the companies responded within an hours time
  • Around 15% of the companies within one to 24 hours
  • 24% never responded to their potential leads


In simple, leads do not translate into paying customers automatically; it needs to be nurtured and sent through the conversion funnel. There are many lead generation sites and lead generation tools; picking the right ones matters a lot to success. Many startups and small businesses sometimes fall into a rut accepting the status quo. At ConversionBox, our experts focus on building a better company for you; for more information on how we go about accomplishing it, contact us today!



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