E-Book: How To Reduce Cart Abandonment With Conversational Chatbot

December 17, 2021 | Posted by: Naveen M

Cart abandonment is a much bigger problem than you think.

Amazon, Walmart, and every other enterprise-level to small, medium-sized eCommerce company face this issue – resulting in poor website conversion rates.

Forrester’s research found that eCommerce brands lose nearly 18 BILLION DOLLARS in yearly sales revenue due to cart abandonment.

Baymard Institute figured that the average cart abandonment rate across industries is 69.5%. It means 3 out of 5 customers abandon carts!

Although there are a few solutions available for online companies to reduce the cart abandonment rate, this eBook addresses its pros and cons and explains why conversational AI chatbot is a better alternative.

By the end of this eBook, you will learn how to trigger personalized chat messages to customers who have abandoned their carts and influence them to finish the transaction process – before they leave your website.

Allow us to give you a brief overview of the chapters covered in this eBook.

Chapter 1: Why Cart Abandonment Still A Real Problem

Cart abandonment is still a “real” problem for eCommerce and B2C online companies because the existing solutions are not “entirely” effective and successful.

For example, some of the known reasons why customers abandon their carts are:

  • High extra cost
  • Forced account creation
  • Complex check out process
  • Limited payment methods
  • Using cart to check the final price and comparing it with other sellers
  • The decision to wait for a lower or sale price
  • Concerns over safe delivery
  • Long delivery time
  • Searching for coupon codes
  • Lack of enough information about shipping, delivery, returns, warranties, etc.

However, the reason for cart abandonment will vary with individual customers.


Now and then, they do the cart page optimization process to ensure that they are following the best practices.

However, to understand the real reason,

  • Companies should converse with their online shoppers in real-time.
  • Ask questions.
  • Learn what stops them from completing the checkout process.
  • Address their concerns and help them finish the transaction smoothly.

However, some of the popular cart recovery solutions such as cart abandonment emails, exit-intent popups, push notifications, SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp notifications, live chat, AdWords retargeting do not provide that opportunity.

This chapter explores more on this and provides a holistic view of the pros and cons associated with popular cart recovery solutions and WHY THE IDEAL SOLUTION TO REDUCE CART ABANDONMENT SHOULD BE CONVERTING CUSTOMERS BEFORE THEY LEAVE THE SITE. ? Get the eBook.

Chapter 2: What Makes Conversational Chatbots Unique

Conversational Chatbot (also known as AI chatbot) is programmed with NLP (Natural Language Processing) and ML (Machine Learning) technologies and they have a better ability to understand your customer’s inputs (even if there are typos), carry out human-like conversations, learn their needs, and personalize the shopping experience in real-time.

  • They are available 24/7 and assist your customers even during non-business hours and holidays.
  • Serves multiple customers at the same time.
  • Can communicate in different languages.
  • Answers common customer questions without the support agent’s help.
  • Sends proactive messages to customers to increase engagement.
  • Helps customers find the right products in a few seconds.
  • Remembers returning customers and personalizes their browsing experience.

Deploying them on the eCommerce sites helps customers to instantly ask questions and get the answers. Further, it allows companies to send personalized messages to customers with limited-time deals and influence them to finish the transaction process.

This chapter explains the evolution of chatbots, their business impact, the difference between rule-based chatbots and conversational chatbots. ? Get the eBook.

Chapter 3: 10 Step Plan to Reduce Cart Abandonment with Conversational Chatbot

Chatbot helps trigger instant messages to customers who leave the cart page after adding items to the cart. For example,

  • It allows you to trigger reminder messages if customers leave the cart page.

trigger reminder messages

  • If the customer revisits the product page after adding items to the cart, you can use the conversational chatbot to ask if they need any assistance.

ask if they need any assistance

  • You can answer 70% of common order-related questions such as shipping cost, delivery time, local taxes, return and refund policies, warranties, etc., instantly using the conversational chatbot. This can reduce customers waiting time in getting the response from the customer support team.

answer 70% of common order-related questions

  • You can send personalized discount offers, coupons, and rewards to influence customers to finish the checkout process.

send personalized discount offers, coupons, and rewards

  • If the customer makes no response and still closes the browser, you can use the conversational chatbot to retarget them when they revisit your website.

Conversational Chatbot

The above-mentioned chat conversations are some of the examples to reduce cart abandonment using conversational chatbots.

In this chapter, you will get a detailed 10-step plan to trigger personalized chat messages to your customers using conversational chatbots and influence them to complete the checkout process. You can also view the chat conversation workflows to learn how the conversations are made with the customers. ? Get the eBook.


Cart abandonment is one of the major problems that affect conversion rates. By reducing the number of customer abandon carts, you can significantly improve your website conversion rates and drive more revenue.

However, to do it effectively and successfully, you need to invest in the right solutions/tools.

Conversational AI chatbots are a better bet than other cart recovery solutions because,

  • They are available on your website 24/7
  • Can be customized the way you want
  • Helps solve your customers’ common checkout related questions/queries instantly
  • Sends reminders and alerts if customers have abandoned their carts
  • Provides the opportunity to send personalized messages and influences them to purchase the abandoned cart items
  • Performs up-sell and cross-selling activities
  • Lightweight and loads faster on your website
  • Low maintenance
  • Cost-effective to run
  • Flexible and scalable
  • Reduces your customer support cost
  • Most importantly, it makes your website conversational and delivers a highly engaging experience.

Download the free eBook to get detailed information

To learn more about ConversionBox cart assistant conversational chatbot and how it reduces the cart abandonment rate by 35%, schedule a demo with us.

The insights you get in our 10-minute demo can help you understand how to recover abandoned carts cost-effectively and successfully.

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