Craft Conversion Focused Journey with Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

July 10, 2021 | Posted by: Naveen M

Just like the selling process, the buying process is also hard.

With easy access to information online, modern buyers are able to learn everything about your product and as much as it helps, it also perplexes them.

They are perplexed because of diverse opinions and other alternatives. They need to be sure they are making the right decision with your product. They need to trust them before trusting you.

When it comes to the B2B market, the process is more complex because of the involvement of several decision-makers and each one researches independently, and everyone needs to be on the same page while choosing you.

The moment they see different opinions, your product will be off the page.

Hence, to ensure that your target audience is getting the right information, you need to put them on a personalized journey and send relevant messages that engage and nurture them.

But, in many cases, this is not happening.

What is lacking on your website?

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

61% of marketers agree lead generation is a challenging process.

Half or more than half of the marketing budget is spent on lead generation alone. Many companies consider “lead generation” as the sole metric for marketing success.

In such a scenario, this is what happens on your site.

All your inbound and outbound marketing efforts drive traffic to your site.

The moment visitors land on your site, they research your offerings.

They manually browse your content and see if any blog, case studies, or ebooks are relevant to them.

It is a time-consuming process and they need to be patient. They also should not leave the process in half due to other work priorities.

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

Research shows the average time spent on websites is 45 seconds!

In fact, when a visitor lands on your website, for the first few seconds, they do not exactly know what to do.

In such a scenario, can you afford to convert them just through the lead forms?

The two major trouble are:

Marketing team is not able to identify the visitors and their intent

Sales team is not able to answer prospects questions Instantly and fix meetings

Gartner Advisory VP, Brent Adamson addressed in a Sales and Marketing conference that

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

Buying complexity is not a result of a problem in delivery from sales or marketing. It’s a buying problem that sales and marketing must jointly address with high-quality, consistent, cross-channel information to help customers complete the purchase jobs they need to accomplish.

Marketing and sales should come together as a joint force to address buyers’ problems in their journey.

Typically, buyers perform these six tasks to make the purchase.

1. Identify the problem “We need to fix this issue now!”
2. Explore all solutions “What’s out there to help us?”
3. Figure out right solution “Compare our requirements with solutions”
4. Explore solution more “Can this one help solve our needs?”
5. Validate the solution “Get demo. Talk to peers. Take a free trial”
6. Purchase the solution “Got trust. Hence, make the purchase”

The above infographics provide an important signal for your marketing and sales teams.

Are they reaching out to the buyers with respect to each task?

Building a buyer journey that converts

From the moment your audience starts exploring all solutions until they narrow down to yours, you should be able to reach them well and craft a personalized journey that engages, nurtures, and converts.

How do you do it?

Luckily, you got innovative and effective solutions to craft a journey that results in conversion.

1. Website Visitor Tracking Software

2. Conversational Chatbot

3. Conversational Sales

Website Visitor Tracking Software – Which buyer task does it help?

Remember task no. 2? “Explore all solutions” of the buyer journey.

Your potential buyers would have visited your website amongst your competitors and other alternatives. In such an early stage, they would not be interested in filling up the lead form or signing up for a free trial.

In fact, the time they spend on your website will not be more than few minutes and if they were unable to access relevant information fast enough, they will bounce back.

Your marketing team has no understanding of who visited your website, what were they looking for, and why they bounced back.

If they try to leverage information from Google Analytics, all it provides is holistic information on the traffic and cannot point out which person visited your website, what organization they belong to, and what is the potential value.

Website visitor tracking software comes as a highly supportive tool here.

By installing a scripting language on your website, it collects deep visitor data and then unveils the identity of the visitor and the companies they belong to.

  • You can identify the visitors
  • Discover the organizations they belong to
  • Get firmographic data
  • Understand what pages they browsed
  • Learn their buying intent
  • Get verified contact information of key decision-makers and stakeholders

With such useful and verified data, they can target prospects proactively instead of waiting for them to fill up the lead forms. Perhaps, your marketers can do a lot more with website visitor tracking tools.

However, just tracking visitors won’t be enough.

How do you do it?

Put Conversational Chatbot into action to move down the funnel

Conversational marketing is one of the proven ways to engage customers well. Conversational chatbot automates conversational marketing to a great extent.

By installing a conversational chatbot on your website and integrating it with your CRM, the potential customer tracked by the website visitor tracking software can receive a personalized experience.

  • Chatbot welcomes visitors with personalized messages
  • Allows visitors access relevant information in a couple of seconds
  • Answer visitors questions instantly
  • Inform and engage visitors with useful content, news, and upcoming events
  • Send personalized messages based on the pages they are visiting
  • Book meetings with sales reps with just a few clicks

Remember we mentioned the average time spent by visitors on a website earlier? Chatbots can be very proactive and enable visitors to get useful information in a matter of seconds. And needless to say, visitors don’t have to go through the boring lead form signup process to talk to sales reps. They can do it quickly within just a few clicks.

Top marketers agreed that conversational chatbots skyrocketed conversions.

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

Website visitor tracker combined with conversational chatbot enables you to target your potential customers precisely and engage them in a personalized journey.

But the deal is not over yet.

As mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the buyer’s journey isn’t about progression. It is about completion.

In order to complete the journey, they need to talk to sales representatives. And, that is where conversational sales come into action.

Conversational Sales – The right way to close the deal

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

Did you know, on average, the sales team gets to spend just 5% of their time with each customer?

Maximizing sales interaction is a crucial part of conversion. It fulfills the last two tasks of the buyer journey.

But many times, your sales team doesn’t know what your marketing team is doing, who is visiting the website, what is their intent, where they are in the journey, and the baddest part is, on average, it takes 42 hours for the sales team to respond after a prospect fill up a lead form.

Delaying by just five minutes to respond to a lead can see a 10x drop-in connection rate!

Imagine, the power you acquire by making your sales reps talk to prospects in real-time i.e.

  • The moment they arrive at your site
  • The moment they are hot
  • The moment they have the time to talk to you

ConversionBox conversational chatbot plays a big role in connecting your prospects with the sales.

How does it work?

  • Alerts sales reps the moment target prospects land on websites
  • Sales reps understand what pages they are in (Product, pricing, etc.)
  • Sales reps can route a conversation with prospects via chatbot
  • Answer prospects questions in real-time via live chat
  • Trigger an instant meeting with prospects via the voice call feature

That’s it.

The highly sought meeting with prospects is made to happen in a matter of seconds and conversion happens faster.

To sum up,

Visitor Tracking and Chatbot

“Organizations that will succeed going forward will be those that materially simplify the purchase process for customers.”

Crafting a perfect buyer journey or the purchase process is easy if you look at the journey from the buyer’s mind.

You should opt for solutions that enable you to be proactive, reach before your competitors, run targeted ads, send personalized emails and messages, and be available to them 24/7, and enable your sales teams to talk to them instantly.

ConversionBox website visitor tracking software and conversational chatbots are developed specifically to craft conversion-focused buyer journeys and helps businesses to see maximum conversion and revenue.

Schedule a demo with us today.

This new and innovative solution can make all your marketing strategies work and witness immense growth.



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