Advantages of e-commerce customer service helpdesk software

October 1, 2022 | Posted by: Naveen M

  • Help desk portals are modern customer support tools that simplify handling increasing customer service requests.
  • Customers today expect faster resolution. In fact, nearly 70% of customers expect companies to resolve their issues in the first contact.
  • Help desk portals enable self-service. It helps customers to resolve the real issues on their own without the intervention of customer service agents (unless the issue is complex)
  • By adding help desk portals, several e-commerce companies have increased customer satisfaction rates, retention, and loyalty.

E-commerce is one of the fastest-growing industries today. Since the pandemic, more businesses have opened online storefronts, which the customers find to be very useful.

Many businesses enjoy a surge in traffic and orders during the holiday season and special sale.

Eventually, there will be quite a few questions or requests from the customers post-purchase. So, every time contacting your customer service team would be a frustrating experience for them. And, if there is a big ticket volume, your customer service team will find it difficult to handle as well.

A helpdesk portal can help resolve customer issues fastly and more conveniently.

In this blog, we’ll go over the benefits of using a support desk portal.

What customers expect from customer support

Customers’ expectation of customer service is radically different from what companies are actually thinking of.

Few important things to consider:

  • Customers do not like to be kept waiting for long periods of time.
  • Typically, responses to emails can take up to 48 hours, those to social media posts can take up to 12 hours, and phone help can take anywhere between 30 and 1 hour.
  • Wait times are the most frustrating thing for customers. They want the resolution fast but they want to be able to contact the customer service team faster.
  • Customers nowadays are self-driven individuals. If they are presented with a problem, they will swiftly search the internet for an answer.
  • Modern customers would prefer to speak with an agent only if the issue is difficult or they are unable to discover an answer on their own.
  • Customers believe that phone and email customer support channels are obsolete.
  • Customers today want to use channels that can help them immediately and allow them to communicate with businesses rapidly.
  • As a result, helpdesk portals on your e-commerce website can suit their needs and be incredibly beneficial to both customers and businesses.

What do helpdesk portals consist of?

It is software on your website that assists your customers and support agents with tasks such as:

What do helpdesk portals consist of?

Advantages of customer service helpdesk

Answers to common customers questions

One of the key benefits of an e-commerce helpdesk is that it allows you to address simple post-sale questions of your customers without the need for agents. Companies spend roughly 10-15% of their revenue on customer support, most of that money going to agents. They must also train their agents and hold workshops to help them enhance their skills. However, using helpdesk tools, you can link FAQs, articles, tutorials, and videos relating to your customers’ common post-sale problems and allow them to get answers promptly.


Research reveals that 88% of customers demand self-service support from businesses. That is to say, people want your brand’s help yet want to tackle issues independently. When you start enabling customers to resolve their own tickets without the assistance of support agents, your customer service center will start reaping its true rewards. A fully functional helpdesk like ConversionBox can assist users in self-serving common issues, which lowers the overall volume of incoming tickets.

ConversionBox e-commerce customer service helpdesk features

Reduce your e-commerce support tickets by 70%

Order tracking

One of the common post-sale customer question is “Where is my order?” After placing an order with your company, an important update that your customers want to know is the current status of their order. Is this confirmed? Shipped? Out for delivery? – all of these questions can be answered through the e-commerce helpdesk. They can simply enter their email address or order number and get the update instantly. If they face any issue with their order shipment, they can raise a ticket with a support agent on the same portal.

Returns and exchange management

Companies that provide easy returns and exchange processes frequently see higher customer satisfaction and retention. Unlike physical shopping, online shopping does not allow your customers to touch, feel, or try a product. As a result, e-commerce companies must provide them with simple return or exchange options if the product does not fit or is of poor quality. E-commerce helpdesks like ConversionBox offer the most user-friendly returns experience. It includes an Amazon-style self-service dashboard where your customers can simply select the reason for returning the product and receive a speedy resolution.

Agent routing

Long wait times are one of the biggest complaints people have about customer service. When customers face complex issues or concerns that demand a more detailed answer or 1:1 support, you may use e-commerce helpdesks to route the query to an agent or schedule a phone call with a product or technical specialist. This dramatically minimizes wait time while simultaneously increasing customer happiness.

Rich customer support data

E-commerce helpdesks provide a few key metrics, such as the number of tickets created, the average time it takes to resolve tickets, profit earned by support agents, and revenue generated by self-service. With all of this data, you can examine the performance of your customer service, identify areas for improvement, manage your costs, and turn your customer service into a profit center.

Unlimited Users and End-to-end Set up Assistance

Benefits of e-commerce helpdesk to companies

Benefits of e-commerce helpdesk to companies


Helpdesks are very useful for scaling e-commerce businesses. If you are running an online store that receives 50 to 500 support tickets per day and using 10-25 support agents to handle them, helpdesks can “help” you in a great way.

With the above-mentioned advantages attributed to helpdesk tools, you can improve the overall customer service experience while optimizing your costs.

How ConversionBox can help you?

ConversionBox helpdesk software is designed specifically for e-commerce and provides numerous benefits to both the customer and the company. ConversionBox is the go-to helpdesk tool for e-commerce companies looking to maximize their customer support outcomes, thanks to a wide range of capabilities and flexible price options. ConversionBox integrates effortlessly with your e-commerce platforms, such as Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, and others, as well as support channels and other apps that your support team needs access to.

Request a free demo with our helpdesk experts to see how it works for you.

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