2022’s Must-Try Tools To Increase E-Commerce Sales and Website Conversions

The new year has begun and new goals are set. Are you prepared to meet them?

In this webinar, “2022s Must-Try Digital Tools To Increase E-Commerce Sales and Website Conversions,” renowned sales specialists and solution architects from the eCommerce landscape are going to discuss the conversion challenges that exist in today’s eCommerce landscape, the need to establish personal connections with your customers, and the newly emerging tools such as messaging and chat applications that every eCommerce store owner and marketer must try this year to increase sales.

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Benefits of attending this webinar

Key points that’ll be discussed:

  • Conversion challenges in today’s eCommerce landscape and the need to make websites conversational
  • 2022s must-try digital tools that help increase sales
  • The need to establish a 1:1 personal connection with website customers
  • How messaging and chat applications help reach your customers personally
  • Tips and tricks to influence your customers purchase decisions

Webinar will be useful for:

  • E-commerce entrepreneurs
  • Online merchandisers
  • E-commerce marketers
  • E-commerce marketing strategists
  • E-commerce business development executives
  • And, everyone who aspire to try new digital tools this year

Featured Speakers

Steven Russell

Steven Russell
Sales Specialist, ConversionBox

Steven is a top-performing sales entrepreneur who combines his management, sales, and leadership expertise to deliver substantial revenue growth in highly competitive eCommerce business markets. He is always on the lookout for new technologies that make eCommerce businesses successful.

Satish Kumar

Sathish Kumar
Co-Founder & Solutions Architect, ConversionBox

Sathish has 15+ years of experience in the eCommerce space and has been the brain behind several highly successful conversion maximization tools. He creatively analyses the data metrics to identify the best personalization solutions to increase website conversions.

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