Trusted By Leading E-Commerce Companies

Connect with customers on their preferred channel

Single inbox to manage all conversations

Streamline all customer service channels and allow your agents to manage them easily from a single shared inbox.

Single inbox to manage all conversations

Effortless integration with channels

Integrate your social media channels, messaging channels, and email effortlessly and improve agents’ productivity by managing them easily.

Effortless integration with channels

Join with top eCommerce companies that switched to ConversionBox

Automated ticket routing

Automatically route your calls, email, chat to the right agent based on your predefined rules.

Automated ticket routing

Faster resolution and improved customer satisfaction

Assign the right ticket to the right agent, provide faster resolution, and improve customer happiness index.

Faster resolution and improved customer satisfaction

Configure canned messages (macros) easily

Create an unlimited number of canned messages and allow your agents to respond to customer questions quickly and improve agents’ efficiency.

Configure canned messages (macros) easily


Built Exclusively For Ecommerce


With Your Entire Tech Stack


Start Automating Sales and Customer Support Today. Plans Start @ Just $49/month

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