Trusted by 200+ global companies

The perfect solution to reduce your ticket volume without extra resources

ConversionBox self-service helpdesk is here to save you from long customer wait times. Our Amazon-style self-service helpdesk quickly resolves 50% of customer issues, freeing up your team’s resources. The platform allows for the automated routing of complex customer queries to live agents, allowing them to spend more time helping more people.

Reduce your e-commerce support tickets by 70%

Empower your customers to self-serve

Allow customers to use an interactive self-service portal to resolve common scenarios such as order tracking, cancellations, and refund claims.

Empower your customers to self-serve

Say goodbye to excessive ticket volume

Create workflows for common support scenarios to address customer issues quickly, reduce wait times, and cut ticket volume by half.

Resolution in seconds - not hours

Boost your support agent productivity

By allowing your customer service agents to automate the mundane processes in their workflows, they will have more time to address complex and serious tickets.

Boost your support agent productivity

Integrate with your e-commerce

Easily integrate the ConversionBox helpdesk with your e-commerce stores and customer relationship management tools. ConversionBox has more than 30 integrations.

Integrate with your e-commerce

Don’t take our word for it. Hear from our customers who made the switch.


Improved customer satisfaction score (CSAT) – 80 to 95%


Automated resolution to support tickets


Increase in conversions with chat triggers


ConversionBox self-service allows us to close 1300 tickets per month without the need for human intervention! This is an absolutely fantastic app.

Cheryl Ladd

E-commerce store owner, Shopify

Drive More Pipeline

Want to see ConversionBox in action?

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