Interact directly with customers and prospects in real-time

Conversation-driven marketing is about helping potential customers instead of simply advertising products. ConversionBox’s conversational marketing platform allows brands to interact with customers and prospects in real-time through AI chat, interactive videos, and other automated conversations.

Create workflows

Create workflows

Connect with visitors

Connect with visitors

Understand Intent

Understand Intent

Personalize Experience

Personalize Experience

Build trust and convert

Build trust and convert

Build relationships with customers

Let go of the traditional website experience and instead provide your visitors with useful and meaningful information. With proactive chat triggers, the platform understands users’ purchasing intent better, creates a personalized journey, and engages them more effectively. This fosters greater trust and relationships, which leads to more meetings, conversions, and opportunities.

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Build relationships with customers

Every relationship starts with a conversation

Create interactive shopping experiences

From product demos and store tours to expert interviews and Q&As, video has grown in popularity. ConversionBox provides interactive shopping experiences powered by videos, allowing customers to learn more about the products they want while shopping. It brings prospects closer to the product before purchasing, resulting in more informed decisions.

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Create interactive shopping experiences

Improve marketing ROI

ConversionBox’s conversational platform can help you increase your marketing ROI. Instead of forcing leads to fill out forms and wait hours for a response, allow them to buy products immediately or connect with sales teams. The platform is designed to convert website traffic into conversions, pipelines, and revenue. Furthermore, the platform provides actionable insights into your chat conversations, allowing you to improve their outcomes.

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Improve marketing productivity

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